The Master of Public Health is one of our most popular programmes. The MPH first started in 1973 with seven candidates from the Ministry of Health Malaysia. The programme has gone through many changes during the last 49 years. There are now more than 1000 MPH alumni from Malaysia and around the world.

The orientation program for the newly admitted postgraduate students of the Master of Public Health (MPH) was organised on the 11th and 12th of October 2022. Students were formally welcomed and introduced to the department members, briefings on the academic and career paths, and tours on the campus and University Malaya Medical Centre.
The orientation programme for the first day was organised at Dewan Bidara, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, and began with the Welcome Address by the Head of Department, Professor Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah, followed by the Introduction to Rules and Regulations by MPH Coordinator, Dr Tharani Loganathan. After a short break, the programme of the day continued with briefing sessions on courses offered were presented by the Head of each discipline: Epidemiology by Dr Lim Sin How; Statistics by Dr Abqariyah Yahya; Health, Policy, and Management by Professor Dr Ng Chiu Wan; Family Health by Associate Professor Dr Nik Daliana Nik Farid; and Occupational and Environmental Health by Associate Professor Dr Nasrin Aghamohammadi and Dr Lim Yin Cheng. The day ended with an ice-breaking session.

The second day on the 12th October 2022 began with a talk on Mental Well-being by Associate Professor Dr Nik Daliana Nik Farid, as well as a topic on Mental Health Literacy among university students by Dr Mohd Zahiruddin Mohd Khairi and Dr Hazwa Harith both DrPH candidates. After a short morning break, the programme resumed with the Selection of Modules and Q&A session until the afternoon break. Then in the afternoon, the programme began with a briefing on Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Way by Dr Rama Krishna, and the day ended with a talk on Fear of Falling Forwards: How to Take an Unconventional Career Path by a special guest, Dr Chet Yong, Business Development Manager Healthcare, ASEAN, Amazon Web Services.
The department would like to welcome the new candidates who are joining the programme in Semester 1, 2022/2023 and wish you all the best throughout the academic journey.
This write-up was written by Muhammad Haizril Arif Md Mokhtar, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.
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