Dr Nasrin Aghamohammadi has joined as a senior lecturer at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya in Malaysia. She is the only engineer as an academic staff in Faculty of Medicine. Her core expertise is in environmental engineering and has centered almost exclusively on air pollution and health impact. Since 1995 she has targeted towards contamination measurement and possible control. She has an extensive background in pure and applied research as well as engineering background in Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran and Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya. She has acquired, applied and has taken pride in a very wide range of experiences and activities from hands-on projects such as projects involving air, water, wastewater, solid waste and soil pollutants in South East Asia and Middle East. She has written a book to guide on how to treat leachate using activated carbon augmented activated sludge in 2010. She has published her second book in 2013 entitled “Southeast Asia Rain-forest and its impacts on climate change.
She has published many research papers based on her broad expertise in a very prestigious ISI Journals. She has reviewed many research papers and academic letters in the Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy (Q1) from many different countries such as USA, Spain, Brazil, Tunisia, India, China, Japan, Italy, Iran, Turkey as well as International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. She has been appointed as an editorial board for Modern Biosphere International Journal.
She has been involved in many researches and has leaded a project, entitled study of different air ambient contaminant in various working area and exposure. The project involves the measurement and monitors of VOCs in areas such as new born baby wards, IT server rooms, lecture halls, anatomy halls and the renovated area with new finishes and furniture. The other ongoing project is Evaluation of non-therapeutic anti-neoplastic drug exposure which also involves measuring and monitoring indoor air quality. She has looked at rare earth project funded by UMRG as well as E-cigarette and its health impact. Dengue association with environmental aspect is the one challenging issue in Malaysia which has funded by UMRP. Urbanization and sustainability is her interest, the recent project which has funded by UM as a grand challenge project is focusing on Urban Heat Island in greater Kl.
She is Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), United Kingdom ,Member of Institution of the Charted Institute of Environmental Health(CIEH), United Kingdom , Member of Environmental Management & Research Association (ENSEARCH), Malaysia, Member of Iranian Society of Environmentalists (IRSEN), Iran, Member of center for peace and environment ( CPE), Iran, Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hong Kong, Member of International Society for Applied Life Sciences (ISALS) , Member of Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, UM( COEHUM).
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