On 12th October 2024, the Department of Sports Medicine, Universiti Malaya (UM), in collaboration with Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) and the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine (SPM), UM, held a one-day workshop titled “Keeping Fit and Healthy for Older Adults.” This workshop aimed to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining physical, mental, and social well-being in older adults while providing practical knowledge for their caregivers.
The event was attended by more than fifty participants who were vibrant and exemplary in their commitment to healthy ageing. Held at The Cube, Faculty of Medicine, UM, the workshop featured interactive discussions, lectures, and hands-on practical sessions. Participants also received a goodie bag and a resistance band which enhanced their experience as they learned ways to improve their overall well-being.
The workshop featured four key lecture sessions by speakers from various disciplines:
- Associate Professor Dr Mohd Nahar Azmi, Consultant Sports Physician at UMMC, opened the session with a presentation on “Role of Exercise for the Older Adults” where he highlighted the fundamental benefits of physical activities in maintaining the fitness of older adults.
- Following that, Mr Mok Chu Zhen, Clinical Dietitian at UMMC, provided useful insights in his “Eating Well and Staying Safe: A Guide for Healthy Ageing” talk. He emphasised the significance of proper nutrition and diet in preserving both physical and mental well-being throughout the ageing process.
- Associate Professor Dr Tan Kit Mun, Consultant Geriatrician at UMMC then expanded on the discussion with her session on “Healthy Ageing, Happy Ageing”. This session exceptionally covered a breath of topics from the basics such as sleep hygiene until the least talked about such as andropause.
- Rounding off the morning session, representatives from SPM imparted valuable public health inputs to the participants. Associate Professor Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi and Dr Mohd Fadzil Mohd Hussin (Doctor of Public Health candidate) from SPM led a session titled “Caring with Confidence”. This session offered practical guidance on differentiating between dementia and normal memory issues with ageing, effective communication, and stress management for caregivers. Practical steps for addressing the social and emotional challenges in caregiving were also highlighted.
In the afternoon, participants engaged in hands-on exercise workshops, covering upper and lower-body resistance training, flexibility, stretching, and balance training. This practical session equipped older adults and caregivers with essential skills to promote physical fitness and prevent injuries.
The workshop highlighted the essential role of promoting the health and well-being of older adults and stressed the significance of supporting caregivers, whose well-being is equally vital. As the well-known saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. This serves as an unequivocal reminder that caregivers must look after themselves in order to provide the best care for others. By equipping both older adults and their caregivers with knowledge and practical guidance, the well-being of both parties involved has been prioritised thus ensuring a healthier and more fulfilling journey through the later years.
This write-up was prepared by Dr Mohd Fadzil Mohd Hussin and Associate Professor Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi. Acknowledgement to Dr Siti Sarah Fadzil for materials provided on the awareness of dementia for the ‘Caring with Confidence’ session.

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