COVID-19: Bertindak Segera Untuk Mengelakan Gelombang Keempat – Hoe VC dalam Buletin Utama TV3

Dalam satu temubual dengan Buletin Utama TV3, Professor Dr Victor Hoe berbincang mengenai bagaimana mengawal peningkat kes-kes COVID-19.

Prof Victor Hoe berkata, “Daripada laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia bilangan kes-kes COVID-19 adalah semakin meningkat. Trend semasa menunjukkan trajektori kes akan terus meningkat sekiranya kita tidak bertindak dengan segera untuk mengurangkan penlurarannya.

“Pada pandangan saya, kita perlu mengkaji semula SOP yang sedia ada. SOP restauran dan tempat makan perlu dikaji semula.

“Sekarang tempat-tempat ini dibenarkan untuk beroperasi dengan kapasiti penuh. Kita faham bahawa bila kita berada di restauran dan tempat-makan, kita perlu tangalkan pelitup muka. Ini adalah satu cara di mana penyakit COVID-19 boleh merebak.

“Berkenaan dengan kluster pasar Ramadan, kita harus melihat dari sisi positif bahawa aplikasi MySejetra adalah berkesan. Ini adalah kerana semua kes ditelusuri kembali ke pasar ramadan melalui aplikasi MySejetra. Apa yang kita perlu lakukan adalah menggunakan aplikasi MySejera untuk mengesan semua orang yang pernah ke pasar ramadan tersebut dan Kuarantin kontak-kontak rapat.

“Oleh kerana hanya 22 pasar Ramadan sahaja yang terjejas, kita perlu melakukan siasatan menyeluruh untuk mengenal pasti penyebabnya. Hanya setelah kita memahami punca-penyebabnya, baru kitab oleh mengubah SOP.

“Kami semua mesti memastikan bahawa kita terus mengikuti SOP kerana kes COVID-19 masih berada di kalangan masyarakat kita.”

Highlights of the Interview

Here are the key points from the interview:

Key Points

  1. Current Situation:
    • Rising Cases: The article highlights the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, indicating the potential onset of a fourth wave. The rise in cases is attributed to several factors, including increased social interactions and non-compliance with health protocols.
  2. Preventive Measures:
    • Immediate Action: Dr. Hoe emphasizes the need for immediate and decisive action to prevent the fourth wave. This includes strict enforcement of existing health measures and the introduction of additional restrictions if necessary.
    • Public Compliance: Ensuring public compliance with health protocols such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene is crucial. The government and health authorities must continue to educate and remind the public about the importance of these measures.
  3. Vaccination Efforts:
    • Accelerating Vaccination: The article stresses the importance of accelerating the vaccination campaign to achieve herd immunity. Increasing the vaccination rate can significantly reduce the spread of the virus and prevent severe cases.
    • Targeted Vaccination: Prioritizing high-risk groups, including the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, is essential to protect the most vulnerable populations.
  4. Testing and Contact Tracing:
    • Enhanced Testing: Increasing the capacity and accessibility of COVID-19 testing is vital for early detection and isolation of cases. Widespread testing can help identify and contain outbreaks before they spread further.
    • Effective Contact Tracing: Robust contact tracing systems are necessary to track and manage the spread of the virus. This includes timely identification and quarantine of close contacts of confirmed cases.
  5. Community Engagement:
    • Public Awareness Campaigns: Engaging the community through public awareness campaigns can enhance understanding and compliance with health measures. Clear and consistent communication from authorities is key to building public trust and cooperation.
    • Community Support: Providing support to communities, especially those in lockdown or quarantine, can help mitigate the social and economic impact of the pandemic. This includes ensuring access to essential services and mental health support.
  6. Government and Policy Response:
    • Policy Adjustments: The government must be prepared to adjust policies and measures based on the evolving situation. This includes implementing targeted lockdowns or movement restrictions in areas with high transmission rates.
    • Resource Allocation: Ensuring adequate resources for healthcare facilities, including hospital beds, medical supplies, and healthcare workers, is critical to managing the surge in cases.


The article “COVID-19: Bertindak Segera Untuk Mengelakan Gelombang Keempat” by Dr. Victor Hoe underscores the urgency of taking immediate and decisive actions to prevent a fourth wave of COVID-19 in Malaysia. Key strategies include strict enforcement of health measures, accelerating vaccination efforts, enhancing testing and contact tracing, engaging the community, and ensuring a responsive government and policy approach. By implementing these measures, Malaysia can mitigate the impact of the pandemic and protect public health.

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