Vision Zero is a concept developed by the International Social Security Association (ISSA). It is a transformational approach to prevention that integrates the three dimensions of safety, health and well-being at all levels of work. The Vision Zero campaign was launched by the former Secretary-General of ISSA, Mr Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017 in Singapore.

Here are the seven golden rules of Vision Zero:
- Take leadership – demonstrate commitment
- Identify hazards – control risks
- Define targets – develop programmes
- Ensure a safe and healthy system –be well-organized
- Ensure safety and health in machines, equipment and workplaces
- Improve qualifications – develop competence
- Invest in people – motivate by participation

The University of Malaya signed up as a Vision Zero partner during the launch in Singapore back in 2017, then in 2019, the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) also signed up as a Vision Zero partner during the Vision Zero Conference Malaysia 2019 organised by the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO).
Having signed up as a partner of Vision Zero movement, the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) Unit at the UMMC embarked on organising the “Towards Vision Zero – Improving Occupational Safety and Health in Hospital Conference”. The plan started back in December 2019, where we have planned to organised a two-day conference in the UMMC in July 2020. It will be a physical conference in UMMC with the full range of activities, i.e, launching, keynote address, plenary, symposium, free oral and poster paper presentation, and exhibition.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the plans need to be modified to adapt to the situation. The physical conference was changed to a two-day webinar instead.
Towards Vision Zero – Improving Occupational Safety and Health in Hospital – webinar

The “Towards Vision Zero – Improving Occupational Safety and Health in Hospital – webinar” was successfully completed on the 11 and 12 August 2020. The webinar was conducted through the Zoom Webinar Video Conferencing system. There were around 100 participants from all over Malaysia.
It was officiated by Puan Che Zuraini binti Sulaiman, the Deputy Director (Professional), UMMC, representing the Prof Dr Tunku Kamarul zaman bin Tunku Zainol Abidin the Director of UMMC.
The keynote “Towards Vision Zero in Hospital” was given by Dato’ Sri Mohammed Azman Dato’ Aziz Mohammed, the Chief Executive Officer of SOCSO. This was followed with Plenary 1 – “Work Related Road Safety and the Health Care Workers” delivered by Dr Azlan Darus, the Head of Prevention, Medical and Rehabiliatation Division, SOCSO.
There were two more plenary sessions, Plenary 2 – OSH in Thailand Hospitals by Assoc Prof Naesinee Chaiear an Occupational Health Physician from the Department of Community Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, which was chaired by Dr Rosmawati Muhamad Robat, and Plenary 3 – COVID-19 by Dr Benedict Sim Lim Heng the Infectious Disease Consultant from Hospital Sungai Buluh, which was chaired by Assoc Prof Dr Sasheela A/P Sri La Sri Ponnampalavanar.
There were a total of five symposium:
Symposium 1: Important OSH issues in Hospital
The symposium was chaired by Assoc Prof Dr Marzuki Isahak from UM and the following topics were presented:
- Management of Fatigue by Dr Khairil Idham Ismail the Founder of MyRest
- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss – Sharing experience from UMMC by Dr Faiz Baharudin from OSHE, UMMC
- Prevention and Management of Sharps by Dr Rosnawati Muhamad Robat from Selangor State Health Department
Symposium 2: Health Hazards Management in Hospital
The symposium was chaired by Prof Dr Victor Hoe and the following topics were presented:
- Ergonomics and work-related MSD by Assoc Prof Dr Hanizah Mohd Yusoff from the Department of Community Health, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Psychosocial Safety Climate in Hospital by Assoc Prof Awang Idris from the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UM.
- Indoor Air Quality in Hospital by Puan Jamilah binti Mahmood from Enginering Health Division, NEHAP, Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Symposium 3: Prevention of Occupational Disase among Health Care Workers
The symposium was chaired by Dr Gogillan Sevaratnam from Hospital Kuala Lumpur and the following topics were presented:
- Contact Dermatitis by Dr Sharifah Rosniza binti Syed Nong Chek from the Department of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
- Prevention of Tuberculosis among Health Care Workers by Dr Wong Chee Kuan from Department of Medicine, UMMC.
- Workplace Violence by Dr Azlihanis binti Abdul Hadi from Medical Development Division, Putrajaya
Symposium 4: Safety Hazards Management in Hospital
The symposium was chaired by Assoc Prof Dr Hanizah Mohd Yusoff and the following topics were presented:
- Radiatio Safety by Assoc Prof Aniti binti Abd. Rahman from Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- Fire Safety by Dr Haidar Rizal bin Toha from Johor State Health Department.
- Relevance of OSH Unit in Hospital by Assoc Prof Dr Marzuki bin Isahak from Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UM.
- Chemical Management in Hospital by Dr Sujenthiran Sundaran from Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Selangor.
- Role of Risk Management Officer (RMO) in Hospital by Prof Dr Victor CW Hoe from OSHE, UMMC.
Symposium 5: OSH Policy and Governance in Hospital
The symposium was chaired by Prof Dr Victor Hoe and the following topics were presented:
- Legal Framework of OSH practice in Hospital by Dr Rajiderjit Singh Hullon from DOSH, Putrajaya.
- Ministry of Health (MOH) Policy on OSH in Hospital by Dr Priya A/P Ragunath from Occupational Health Sector, MOH Malaysia.
Symposium 5 was followed with a panel discussion with the two speakers from DOSH and MOH. The discussion focus on the topic “Issues and Challenges in Implementation of Vision Zero in Hospital”. It was moderated by Prof Dr Victor Hoe.
The webinar would have not been a success without the hard work of the Organising and Scientific Committee, and assistance from the Department of Business Development, UMMC and Department of Information Technology, UMMC. The Department of Business Development provided the administrative support and the Department of Information Technology provided IT support. The two MCs, Dr Venna Magarita A/P Richard Santhanan and Dr Faiz Baharudin also did a very good job to ensure that the webinar ran smoothly.
We would also like to thank Harun Bakar and Azura Zainal Ratin from SOCSO; Norolhidayah Majid, Amir Asraf Yunus and Mohamad Alif Ab Razak from the Department of Business Development, UMMC; Mohd Na’imullah Zulaimi from Department of Corporate Relations, UMMC; Ahmad Helmy Zainal Abidin and Mohd Hafiz Zakaria from Department of Information Technology; and Dr Venna Magarita, Dr Faiz Baharudin, Nur Liyana Diyanah Mohd Nasser, Norsyahida Syazwani Mohd Shukri, Adi Faisal bin Abdul Rahman, Mohd Azman Shamsuri, Siti Nadhila Ahmad, Nurul ‘Ain Muty, Zulkifli Omar and Mohd Azlan Abd Wahid from OSHE, UMMC.
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