In the current COVID-19 pandemic, many of our healthcare workers are working tirelessly in the frontline to take care of both COVID19 patients and other non-COVID19 patients. This has inevitably placed them, especially the front-liners at high risk of being infected. In Malaysia, we have indeed been seeing the growing pressure that the COVID-19 outbreak had exerted on our healthcare workers. While we all know that it is paramount that our healthcare workers are protected, many may be wondering who works behind the scene in protecting our healthcare workforce. In the University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), the non–Ministry of Health facility managing patients with COVID-19, the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) Unit and the Public Health Department (PHD) has been working tirelessly to ensure the safety and health of its workers. In an opinion piece published in My-SinChew and the Sun Daily newspapers, we describe the role and function of OSHE and PHD during this COVID-19 pandemic.

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