The Impact Oriented Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IIRG) award ceremony for cycle 2/2019 was conducted on 28 November 2019 at the Auditorium, Research Management & Innovation Complex. The aims of the IIRG are to
- strengthen niche areas and nurture emerging thrust areas in UM
- encourage interdisciplinary research among UM researchers
- drive impact-oriented research within UM
The grant application was vetted by reviewers made up of experts and stakeholders in two stages. The first stage was reviews by experts and shortlisted projects leaders were required to make a 3-minute pitch to panel members made up of experts and stakeholders in the second stage. The competition was great with 32 winners out of 74 applications for all research clusters. The success rate in the Health and Wellbeing cluster was more competitive with 8 winners out of 26 applications.
Professor Dr Moy Foong Ming and Associate Professor Dr Nirmala Boopathy were among the successful applicants (principal investigators) awarded with the IIRG grant from the Health and Wellbeing cluster. The project titles for Prof Moy and Assoc Prof Nirmala were “Development and testing the usability / effectiveness of a mobile diet apps with behavioural change in health promotion among adult population” and “Improvement of the quality of life of cancer patients in the immediate and survivorship period” respectively.
Professor Noran Naqiah Hairi, the principal investigator of the Grand Challenge program was invited to showcase the success story of the Prevent Elder Abuse Neglect Initiative (PEACE ) in the similar session.
Congratulations to Prof Moy and Assoc Prof Nirmala for successfully obtained the IIRG.

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