With Evidence Based Medicine setting new standards in healthcare, adequate knowledge of clinical epidemiology and evidence based medicine are crucial prerequisites for a structural and sustained improvement in the quality of clinical care.

In Malaysia and Indonesia, medical doctors (practicing and researching) have insufficient knowledge and skills in clinical epidemiology to allow participation in high impact (inter)national clinical research projects. In addition, evidence based medicine is not common practice in both countries. These issues prevent international exchange of researchers and knowledge as well as the generation of new knowledge and application of available clinical evidence in key areas, such cardiovascular and infectious diseases.
The current project addresses the needs in Malaysia and Indonesia for a durable improvement of the education on and knowledge and skills of medical students and postgraduates (doctors, clinical researchers, health scientists and policymakers) in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
The Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusomo in Jakarta (Indonesia), the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the University of Oxford (UK) and the University Medical Centre Utrecht (the Netherlands) have joined forces to establish the necessary platform for a durable improvement in clinical epidemiological teaching and research in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The specific actions planned include:
Teaching mission
Aim: to establish common and sustainable knowledge and capacities in the participating centres in evidence-based medicine and clinical epidemiology by organizing teaching missions aimed at defined target groups at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Course: 6 week introductory course in applied clinical epidemiology
Target Group: 400 3rd year medical students of University of Malaya and University of Indonesia per year
Teaching Staff: Staff from the University Medical Centre Utrecht and University of Oxford (first teaching, then supervisory). Staff from University of Malaya and University of Indonesia (teaching). PhD fellows (assisting in practicum)
- Basic course in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine
- Advanced courses in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine
Target Group: 480 Medical doctors (practicing doctors, post graduate researchers, management staff) of the University of Malaya and University of Indonesia and affiliated hospitals. Healthcare policy makers of Ministries of Health.
Teaching Staff: Staff from the University Medical Centre Utrecht and the University of Oxford (first teaching, then supervisory). Staff from University of Malaya and University of Indonesia (teaching).
PhD fellowships
Aim: To enable the most talented young medical doctors of the University of Malaya and Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Indonesia to deepen their knowledge and expertise in specialized areas of clinical epidemiology on an international level.
Ten PhD fellows (five from each country) will be recruited (six in year one and six in year two). The PhD fellows will be supported and mentored by expert scientists of the University of Oxford and the University Medical Centre Utrecht. In addition, they will be receiving supervised teaching experience by teaching graduate and postgraduate students.
PhD Fellowship is now available
Development of Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine Units
Aim: to develop regional collaborative (support) units at the premises of Malaya University and Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital to assure continuity of the educational programmes beyond the duration of the programme. These units will be coordinating, facilitating and supporting future structural collaboration for educational and research projects between Asia and Europe in Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine.
Estimated results
With this programme, a necessary step will be made towards creating the conditions for more intensified scientific collaboration between Europe and Asia in the area of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine.
On the longer term, the newly acquired experience, skills and knowledge will impact the respective scientific careers of the target groups and their professional network.
Finally, the programme will enhance the widespread application of evidence based healthcare and health policy in Malaysia and Indonesia.
The official website for the programme is www.asialink-ce.org
Project details
Project Leader: Professor Yolanda van der Graaf
Regional Co-ordinator: Dr Helena M Verkooijen, E: admin@asialink-ce.org, T: +65 64059563
Kuala Lumpur Office Ms Celine Quek, E: UMMC@asialink-ce.org, T: +60 3 79674756
Jakarta Office Dr. Arie Dian, E : RSCM@asialink-ce.org, T : +62 8 1296 61142
Participating Centres:
- the Netherlands: University of Malaya Julius Center, University Medical Centre Utrecht
- The United Kingdom: University of Malaya Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford University
- Malaysia: University of Malaya Julius Centre University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
- Indonesia: RSCM Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
Project duration : 1st November 2007 – 31st October 2010
Funding agency : European Commission (Asia-Link Programme)
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