Datuk Rafiah Salim the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya and Prof J.C. Stoof the Dean of the University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands sign the Memorandum of Understanding for further collaboration in teaching, training and research on 30 March 2007. After the signing ceremony, the representative from the universities exchanges momento.
The ceremony was witnessed by representatives from both universities including Professor Dr Muhamad Rasat b. Muhamad the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) and Professor Dr Hamimah Hassan from the University of Malaya and Professor Diederick Grobbee and Professor Graaf Yolanda from the University Medical Center, Utrecht.

After MOU signing ceremony, the University of Malaya hosted the visitors from the University Medical Center Utrecht to lunch at Rumah University.
The lunch was attended by Datuk Rafiah Salim the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya, Professor Dr Muhamad Rasat b. Muhamad the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation and Professor Dr Hamimah Hassan, Deputy Dean from the Faculty of Medicine and staff from the SPM Department.

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