Master of Public Health Speciality (Part 2) for MPH (Health Services Management), MPH(Epidemiology) and MPH(Occupational Health) was held from 3-7 April 2006. The external examiners are Professor Dr Aw Tar-Ching for the MPH(OH), Dr Maimunah A Hamid for MPH(HSM), and Professor William Cairns Smith for MPH(Epid).

The candidates for the MPH speciality Part-2 examination are:
No | Name | Speciality |
1. | Dr Ismuni bin Bohari | Health Services Management |
2. | Dr Leela a/p V.Sabapathy | Health Services Management |
3. | Dr Sabrina bt Che Ab Rahman | Health Services Management |
4. | Dr Nordin bin Mohamed | Health Services Management |
5. | Dr Izzuna Mudla bt Mohamed Ghazali | Epigeniology |
6. | Dr Latifah bt A Rahman | Epigeniology |
7. | Dr Nor Zahrin bt Hasran | Epigeniology |
8. | Dr Fauziah bt Nordin | Occupational Health |
9. | Dr Mansor b Ismail | Occupational Health |
10. | Dr Soo Chun Paul | Occupational Health |
11. | Dr Zuraida bt Mohamed | Occupational Health |

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