The origin of University Malaya started from the time of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, which was established on 28 September 1905 in Singapore, then a territory of the British Empire. In October 1949, the University of Malaya was established. The King Edward VII College of Medicine became the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya. Subsequently, two divisions of the University of Malaya were formed, one in Kuala Lumpur and the other in Singapore.
In 1960, the Governments of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya both indicated their intention that the Singapore Division and the Kuala Lumpur Division of the University of Malaya should become autonomous, separate, national universities in their respective countries. The Singapore Division eventually became the University of Singapore and the Kuala Lumpur Division remain at the University of Malaya.
The Faculty of Medicine, Unversity of Malaya join in the celebration of the 100th birthday of the University with the launching by the Dean, Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin on the 5th May 2005. The staff from the department were there to join in the celebration. After the launch, the delegates went for the tour of the UM 100-year exhibition.

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