The 34th International Congress on Occupational Health will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco from 28 April to 3 May 2024. It is organised jointly by the Moroccan Occupational Health Association (MOHA), the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Hassan II of Casablanca (FMPC) and the Occupational Health Unit (USAT) of FMPC, and the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH).
The year 2024 will mark a significant milestone in the reunion of ICOH members and non-members following the recent unprecedented years of the COVID-19 global pandemic, lockdowns in most countries, and a first-time fully digital ICOH Congress in February 2022. The ICOH2024 Congress will be held in person and preparations are well underway to make it a splendid scientific and social success.
Aligned with the theme “Enhancing Occupational Health Research and Practices: Closing the Gaps!” various programs will be held during the ICOH2024 Congress. Participants from around the globe will have the best opportunities to share the latest knowledge, technology and trends related to occupational safety and health, as
well as exchanging professional experiences and networking face-to-face with many experts from various disciplines and countries.
Website: ICOH 2024 – www.icoh2024.ma
Notice: This is a community service announcement provided by the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. We are sharing events that are deemed to be relevant for our public health postgraduate students. The Department has no direct control over the organisation and running, delegates’ registration, registration fees or weaver, abstract submission and acceptance, and any other activities linked to the event. If you have any questions with regard to the event, please click on the link provided to get more information about the event.