A Legacy of Public Health Excellence: The Story of MPH at the University of Malaya

Introduction to a Pioneering Programme

In March 1973, ten years after the establishment of the University of Malaya Medical Centre (consisting of the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital), a decision was made by the Cabinet to start postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Medicine. One of the courses proposed was in the field of public health.

By September 1973, a postgraduate programme leading to the degree of Master of Public Health (MPH) was inaugurated, and the first class (1973/74) started with seven doctors.The Master of Public Health, together with the Master of Pathology and Master of Psychological Medicine, are the first medical graduate programmes offered in Malaysia. 

The Early Years: Serving Rural Communities

The MPH programme during the first decade of its existence was aimed at producing competent public health specialists to serve rural areas.  This early emphasis laid the foundation for a broader impact on public health across Malaysia.

Evolution and Expansion

By 1987, the landscape of public health had changed significantly. In response, the Ministry of Health and the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine recognised the need for a new kind of public health officer: one who was not only technically skilled but also equipped with managerial abilities, capable of working in both general public health and hospital settings.

Following a comprehensive curriculum review in 1989, the MPH programme was revamped with new objectives:

  • Technical Competence: Graduates were expected to be proficient in the broad field of public health.
  • Managerial Skills: Equipping students with the ability to manage and lead in public health services.
  • Leadership: Preparing graduates to function as leaders in public services.
  • Versatility: Enabling them to work effectively in public health and hospital settings, as well as at district, state, and national levels.

A New Era: Career Development and Training

By 1992, significant changes had already taken place in the country as well as in the national health services, and it was felt that all these changes had an influence on the practice of public health. It was with this in mind that a concept paper to propose “a system of education or training at the postgraduate level and a career development channel in the field of public health in Malaysia” was produced by the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. This culminated in the initiation of a 4-year training programme. The candidates over the years have contributed to the development of public health in Malaysia by engaging in research as one of the requirements of the programme.

The MPH Speciality Programme was introduced, offering specialisations in Health Services Management, Hospital Management, Epidemiology, Family Health, and later Occupational Health. The first nine students graduated in 1999, marking a significant milestone in public health education. This programme was structured as a 1+3 programme, where students completed the Master of Public Health in the first year, followed by three years of specialised training.

Expanding Horizons: The Master of Medical Science in Public Health

In 2001, the Master of Medical Science in Public Health (MMedScPH) programme was introduced to meet the Ministry of Health’s need for allied health staff with a deeper understanding of public health. This programme aimed to enhance the capabilities of Environmental Health Officers and other allied health professionals serving in rural areas. However, after a thorough review in 2016, the MMedScPH programme was discontinued, and the MPH programme was opened to all eligible applicants, including allied health staff, starting in 2017.

Transformation to Doctor of Public Health

However, the need for public health specialists to be recognised as clinical specialists under the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) led to a transformation. The 1+3 programme was replaced by a 1-year MPH + 3-year Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) programme. This change fulfilled national requirements and led to the recognition of Public Health Medicine Specialists as clinical specialists under the MMC’s National Specialist Register.

The Doctor of Public Health Programme

The DrPH programme is designed to prepare public health professionals with advanced expertise, enabling them to apply knowledge of public health, research, and information technology to solve problems at local, national, and international levels. The first batch of DrPH candidates started in 2009, marking another significant milestone in the evolution of public health education at the University of Malaya.

MPH Handbook

A Global Impact: Alumni Achievements

Today, the University of Malaya’s public health graduates are making a difference worldwide. With over 1,200 MPH graduates, they serve with distinction in the Ministry of Health, universities, and international organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Our alumni hail from diverse countries, including Malaysia, Sudan, China, and Nigeria, reflecting the programme’s global reach and influence.

Figure 1: Map of the World showing the countries where our graduates originate

ProgrammeNumber of Candidates
Master of Public Health1201
Master of Medical Science (Public Health)157
Master of Public Health (Hospital Management)3
Master of Public Health (Health Service Management)21
Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)22
Master of Public Health (Family Health)22
Master of Public Health (Occupational Health)25
Master of Medical Science (Research)47
Doctor of Public Health208
Doctor of Philosophy89

Countries Represented by Our Alumni

  Countries Number of Graduates
Arab Saudi
Canada 1
China 23
Egypt 4
Ethiopia 1
The Gambia 1
Germany 1
Indonesia 10
India 4
Iran 12
Iraq 7
Japan 2
Jordan 2
Lebanon 1
Libya 9
Malaysia 1056
Mongolia 1
Nigeria 23
Pakistan 17
Palestine 2
Papua New Guinea 4
Peru 1
Philippines 1
Qatar 1
Russia 1
Somalia 4
Spain 1
Sri Lanka 1
Sudan 235
United Kingdom 2
Flag of Vietnam Vietnam 1
Flag of Yemen Yemen 22

The University of Malaya’s public health postgraduate programmes stand as a testament to the power of education in shaping public health outcomes globally. As we continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, our commitment to producing leaders in public health remains unwavering.