Staff@SPM in action: Transforming SPM Computer Lab

On Friday, 7th June 2024, at 9.00 am, the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, organised a brief Gotong Royong session at the SPM Computer Lab, Level 5, Block J. The session aimed to foster teamwork and transform an old unused computer lab into a conducive environment for teaching, learning and collaborative sessions.

The department’s administrative staff participated enthusiastically, starting the day with a small breakfast and briefing on the tasks. The activities included cleaning, re-organising tables, updating inventories, and ensuring all equipment was in optimal working condition. The session not only enhanced the functionality of the facility but also strengthened the sense of community within the department.

The Gotong Royong concluded at 11.30 am when the staff reflected on the day’s achievements and discussed future maintenance organisations and plans. This initiative highlighted the department’s commitment to providing excellent facilities and fostering a supportive academic, research and administrative environment.

This write-up was prepared by Muhammad Haizril Arif Md Mokhtar, Project Officer, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.

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