Join us in embracing a healthier future as we unveil “8 Easy Tips to Quit Smoking,” a groundbreaking eBook by the esteemed Dr Siti Idayu Hasan, Dr Farizah Hairi, and Dr Amer Siddiq. Launched under the auspices of the Young Writers Club of Malaysia (KPMM), this pivotal guide made its debut at the prestigious International Book Fair on May 25, 2024, at Dewan Tun Razak, World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur. Crafted to inspire and empower the 19% of Malaysians who smoke, this book is your first step on the journey to a vibrant, smoke-free existence. Let’s ignite change together!
National Aspiration: Reduce Smokers to less than 5% by 2040
Coinciding with the launch of this eBook, based on the results of the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2023 and the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2023 announced on May 16, 2024, we aspire to reduce the smoking rate in Malaysia from 19% to less than 5% (<5%) by the year 2040.
Target Audience: Those Who Want to Quit Smoking
This eBook is aimed at those who want to quit smoking, families and friends who want to provide support, as well as medical and health practitioners who assist in smoking cessation clinics.
The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2024
This year’s “Protecting Children from Tobacco Industry Interference.” This is a global call to protect the young generation from harmful tobacco marketing tactics.
Start Your ‘Fresh Breath’ Journey
Make this World No Tobacco Day the starting point for your ‘Fresh Breath’ journey. Experience the joy of living free from cigarette smoke. Get the eBook “8 Easy Tips to Quit Smoking” through this LINK or QR code.
#HariTanpaTembakau #NafasBaru #BebasAsapRokok
The article was written by Associate Professor Dr Farizah Hairi and Dr Siti Idayu Hasan from the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.

A total of 11 eBooks have been launched under KPMM.

At this event, 11 authors were given the opportunity to speak on the stage of Dewan Tun Razak and promote their respective eBooks. The following are the authors and their eBooks:
- Dato’ Dr Azizon Othman: ‘Alone But Not Lonely’ – kerana Dia ada
- Prof. Emeritus Bohari M. Yamin: Pilihan Jenis Anggur dan Cara Menanam For Beginners Siri 1
- Prof. Madya Dr Farizah Hairi: 8 Petua Mudah Berjaya Berhenti Merokok
- Dr Hairunnisa Jopri: Mommy Bahagia 24 Jam
- Dr Ainon Mokhtar: Bicara Hati Alhamra
- Ts. Dr Mazidah Mat Rejab: Ceritara Topi Bulat
- Siti Monazairin Jelani: Wanita Dalam Cermin
- Hasnita Wati Hisam: 10 Sikap Menangani Murid Belakang
- Feyrial Md Salleh: DIAM, Biar Masa Yang Menentukan
- Raihan Abdul Razak: Bicara Perwarisan Harta Pusaka
- Hjh. Norhasdillah Mohd Hasim: 7Q Memaknai Baki Kehidupan
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