MJM National Manuscript Writing Workshop 2024

The Medical Journal of Malaysia (MJM) organised the MJM National Manuscript Writing Workshop – Advancing toward successful publication in medical journal workshop on the 4 January 2024. The workshop was organused by the Medical Journal of Malaysia and held at the Emergency Medicine Auditorium, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kota Bahru, Kelantan.

There was 10 topics delivered by nine speakers from Universiti Malaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Ministry of Health. Most of the speakers are members of the Editorial Board.

The topics that was covered included:

  1. Common errors authors make in submissions to MJM. / Why some articles get ‘Rejected by Prof Datuk Lekhraj Rampal the Editor in Chief of MJM.
  2. How to write the Title Page, Abstract/ Introduction by Prof. Dr. Baharudin Abdullah (USM & MJM Editor).
  3. How to write Materials and Methods Section by Prof. Dr Subapriya Suppiah from (UPM & MJM Editor).
  4. How to write Results Section by Dr Liew Boon Seng (MOH & MJM Editor).
  5. Reporting Statistical Information in Medical Journal Articles by Associate Prof Dr. Kueh Yee Cheng (USM).
  6. Publication Misconduct / Ethical issues in publication/ Ethics in Publication by Prof Datuk Dr Lekhraj Rampal.
  7. How to write the Discussion, Conclusion & References by Prof. Datin Dr Zunaina Embong (USM).
  8. How to handle revision, rebut and Rejection by Prof. Dr Shatriah Ismail (USM & MJM Editor)
  9. How to write a Case Report by Prof Dr Andee Dzulkarnaen Zakaria.
  10. How to write a Systematic Review by Prof Dr Victor C W Hoe (UM & MJMBEditor)

The workshop attracted 80+ physical participants and 200+ online participants. There were a lot of questions on the various topics discussed.

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