The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) Wilayah Persekutuan Branch held its 41st Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18 June 2023. The AGM was held at the Barrister’s Hall, Menara BAC in Petaling Jaya.
Professor Dr Victor Hoe from the Department was elected as a Committee Member of the MMA Wilayah Perseketuan for 2023-2024. Dr Jeshua Navaraj a Master of Public Health candidates and the Founder of the Malaysian Health Diplomacy Society was elected as the SCHOMOS Representatives. Here is the full list of the elected executive and committee members for 2023-2024. Their term will start in September 2021 after the completion of the MMA National AGM.

Chairman | Dr Selvarajah Sathaya |
Vice-Chairman | Kol Dr Gnanmalar Gnanasundram |
Honorary Secretary | Dr Eratha Krishnan Gobinadan |
Honorary Treasurer | Dr Saravanan A Santhirarajan |
PPS Representative | Dr Gokilavani Sekar Chandran |
SCHOMOS Representative | Dr Jeshua Navaraj |
Committee Members | Dr Balachandran S Krishnan |
Dr Manohar Bendiah @ Ballu | |
Dr Sanjiv Rampal Lekhraj Rampal | |
Dr Hardip Singh Gendeh | |
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai |
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