Greetings from the International Commission on Occupational Health – Mining Occupational Safety and Health (ICOH-MINOSH) Scientific Committee!
This is to cordially inform you to join our upcoming MinOSH Series of Webinars. The details are:
3rd MinOSH Webinar
“Update on Silicosis Detection and Relief – Sharing Experiences”
29th June 2022
18.30 – 21.00 (Jakarta Time)
Please register at: https://bit.ly/MinOSHWebinar2022
Workers are exposed to silica particles in several occupations which can cause silicosis. However, a large
number of cases of silicosis are undetected, undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to lack of health surveillance
and detection systems. In this webinar, you will find updates on the surveillance, prevention and control of
silicosis that remain a challenge for occupational health professionals, governments and all other
institutions involved in worker health, safety and welfare.

Please see our renowned speakers on the programme:
Programme Schedule
Welcome Address and Opening Remarks
Jinky Leilanie Lu, MOH, PhD
Chair- MinOSH, and Research Professor
National Institute of Health, University of Philippines Manila
Silicosis as an Occupational Disease and Recent advances in Silicosis
Prof. Narufumi Suganuma
Professor and Chief of Environmental Medicine
Kochi Medical School, Japan
An introduction to ILO Classification of Chest Radiographs of Pneumoconiosis
and its use in detection of Silicosis
Dr Wiwatana Tanomkiat
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Silicosis Surveillance and Prevention in Thailand
Dr Somkiat Siriruttanapruk
Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases,
Department of Disease Control, Thailand
Surveillance of silicosis and tuberculosis in Southern African mining populations
Prof. Rodney Ehrlich
Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Scholar
University of Cape Town, South Africa
State Policy on Relief and Rehabilitation in Silicosis – Experiences in Rajasthan,
Dr Prahlad Kumar Sishodiya
Consultant, Occupational Health, BOCW, Labour Dept., Rajasthan India Former
Director, National Institute of Miners’ Health
Open Forum
Dr Prahlad Kumar Sishodiya, and
Prof. Muchtaruddin Mansyur
Occupational Medicine, Dept of Community Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
Closing Remarks
Jinky Leilanie Lu
Chair- MinOSH
Platform and publicity provided by:
Professor Dr Muchtaruddin Mansyur
Liem Jen Fuk, MD, PhD (Indonesia)
Gogillan Seravatnam, MD (Malaysia)
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