The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya organized a workshop which focused on preparing the paperwork for curriculum review for the Master of Public Health (MPH) and Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) programme. The workshop was held on 17th and 18th September 2020 at Sheraton Hotel in Petaling Jaya.
Head of the Department, Professor Dr Sanjay Rampal was on hand to lead the workshop. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dato’ Professor Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman and the Deputy Dean for Postgraduate, Professor Dr Maznah Dahlui was also present during the first day of the workshop to provide their feedback. This was a good opportunity for the academics in the Department to clarify the curriculum, teaching and learning, and administration matters.
During the workshop, attendees are among the department’s brilliant academicians and non-academic staff were working together sharing opinions, thoughts and suggestions in preparing better quality and improvements for both postgraduate courses. The representatives among the academicians in the department are from all the five disciplines, i.e., Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Family Health, Occupational and Environmental Health, and Health Policy Management.
In the discussions, the academicians reviewed the mapping and determined the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) be aligned with Programme Education Objectives (PEO) and Programmed Learning Outcomes (PLO). Academicians also presented all the current and proposed new modules to be planned, discussed, refined, and to be included in the new course structure.
The output of the workshop is to have refined and well-structured learning outcomes as well as detailed plans in the new course structure for better quality and improvements for both postgraduate courses.
All the department personnel are complying with the Standard of Procedures (SOP) by the Government of Malaysia throughout the period of COVID-19.
This write-up was written by Muhammad Haizril Arif Md Mokhtar, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.

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