The Department would like to congratulate Dr NoorAni Ahmad on being appointed as the Director of the Institute of Public Health (Institut Kesihatan Umum, IKU). Dr NoorAni is an Alumni from the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. She completed her Master of Public Health in 2002 and continued with her Master of Public Health (Family Health). After her graduation in 2005, she went back to serve in the Ministry of Health. She then continues to work in IKU. Dr NoorAni has been involved in many of the research projects in IKU, she was part of the team for the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) starting from 2011. She was also involved in the MyBFF@Home study. Dr NoorAni has published more than 50 research papers which have received more than 350 citations. She is also a Public Health Medicine Specialist registered with the National Specialist Registry.

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