The Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Malaysia held their Annual General Meeting and Annual Seminar on the 17 August 2019. The theme of the Annual Seminar was “Updates On Occupational And Environmental Medicine Research In Malaysia”. Dr Lim Yin Cheng and Dr Jaseema Begum our Alumni presented their Doctor of Public Health Research findings at the seminar. Dr Lim presented his paper on “Night-shift work harmful to us” and Dr Jaseema her paper on “Estimation of Occupational exposure to carcinogens: Application of web-based exposure assessment method”.
Subsequently, at the 13th AOEMM AGM, Prof Victor Hoe and Dr Marzuki Isahak were re-elected as the council member for the term 2019/2020. The AGM was followed with the Induction ceremony for Members and Fellows of AOEMM, and the AOEMM Lifetime Achievement Awards ceremony. Professor Krishna Gopal Rampal was the recipient of the first Lifetime Achievement Award.

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