Our heartiest congratulations to Dr Ahmed Hamood Ali Al-Shahethi from Yemen who has successfully passed his PhD viva defence held on the 28th May 2019. He is supervised by Dato’ Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba and Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki. The title of his thesis is “Perinatal Mortality in Sana’a Capital City, Yemen: A Prospective Community-Based Cohort Study”. This study found the perinatal mortality rate (PNMR) was 89.3 per 1000. Leading risk factors for PNMR include: low birth weight (RR=12.42), prolonged rupture of membranes (RR= 4.23), maternal age at childbirth (<20 years) (RR=3.51), and inter-pregnancy interval (<24 months) (RR=3.34). This study also highlighted some cultural practices associated with perinatal mortality such as khat chewing, orange snuff and female genital mutilation.

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