Staying safe and healthy at work

Last Sunday (01 July 2018), Prof Dr Victor Hoe was delivered a talk on occupational safety and health, titled “Staying safe and healthy at work” to a group of Myanmar refugees health volunteers at the Methodists Centre in Port Dickson, Negri Sembilan. The refugees were at the centre from the 28 June to 1 July 2018 to attend the Health Coordinators Training. The topics covered included Basic Life Support and First Aid theory and practicals, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS Shelters, Public Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mental Health, Paediatrics Health Care, and Occupational Safety and Health. The event was organised by the ACTS church.

Prof Hoe’s talk was part of his volunteer work with the Workplace Health Without Borders. The Workplace Health Without Borders was founded in the spring of 2011, as a not-for-profit organization, to help address occupational health and hygiene issues in the developing world. He covered various topics on occupational safety and health that are relevant to refugees and migrants workers. This includes electrical safety, working in a confined space, fire safety, principals of prevention and personal protective equipment. The talk was delivered in English, and Dr Min a Master student in Obstetrics and Gynaecology translated them to the Myanmar language. The participants were very engaging and they were glad to learn about occupational safety and health.

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