Victimization experiences of adolescents in Malaysia.

One the research findings by Associate Professor Choo Wan Yuen et al., was quoted in this news article, “In 2011, researchers at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine in the University of Malaya found that in the state of Selangor alone, 22% of surveyed older children were exposed to more than one type of maltreatment, with parent making up 40% of child abusers in Malaysia. These ranged from physical and sexual abuse, to lesser forms like emotional abuse, neglect, and extreme parental rigidity and control”. The research was a cross-sectional survey of 1,870 students among 20 randomly selected secondary schools in Selangor state. The study found that emotional and physical types of victimization were most common. Compared with females, males reported more physical, emotional, and sexual victimisation. Low quality of parent-child relationships and poor school and neighbourhood environments had the strongest associations with victimisation. The study concludes that although there are some similarities in term of personal, familial, and social factors among those found in Western Nations, there are still cross-cultural differences, especially with regard to the nature of sexual violence based on gender and the influence of family structure.

The original paper Victimization experiences of adolescents in Malaysia, click on the following link –

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