The Centre for Population Health (CePH) had its’ first Lunch Talk for the year at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine on the 8th January 2014. The talk revolved around publishing in Biomed Central by Leo Cheung, the Open Access Publishing Manager for BioMed Central / Open Repository / Papers. BioMed Central is one of the pioneers in Open Access publishing. As more and more research funding organizations require their funded researchers need to be publicly accessible, more and more researchers choose to publish their research articles through Open Access publishing. Leo reviewed Open Access publishing’s advantages to researchers, library and community. There are a lot of predatory Open Access journals and publishers, how to choose an Open Access publisher or a journal is very important to researchers. Finally, he shared the publishing processing of BioMed Central. The talk was attended by a number of thirty people from within the department who were interested to know more about publishing in the BioMed Central.
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