The SPM Department held a scientific writing workshop “ Writing a Good Scientific Paper” for the department staff and students at the Equatorial Hotel in Bangi. The 3 days workshop from the 24th July 2009 to 26th July 2009 was participated by 14 staffs and students from the department. The work shop was aimed to train the participants on the intricacies of scientific writing and publications in peer reviewed journals. Participants are also required to bring their own write ups to be worked on during the workshop.
Day 1:
A talk was given by Prof Awang Bulgiba on publishing papers in scientific journals. He discussed the strategies for choosing a journal and requirements to meet for publishing in the journals, including the selection of title and exploring appropriate angles suitable for the journal chosen. Dr Sanjay Rampal then discussed the requirement for writing up a good abstract using the STROBE checklist. This was followed by Dr Moy Foong Ming who discussed writing up the introductions to be short and precise.
Participants later presented their papers to be reviewed and suggestions made on how to further improve on their write-ups.
Day 2:
Dr. Sanjay Rampal discussed the presentations of results in a scientific paper. He highlighted the do’s and don’ts in presenting results. The session was later followed by the participants having to search for ISI journals and formatting their papers according to the journals that they have decided to send their papers to. Further presentations were made to polish up the papers.
Day 3:
Prof Awang discussed writing up results of studies for scientific paper write up. Illustrations were made using other papers to highlight the important aspects of the discussion and conclusion sections of the write-ups.
The session ended with the participants having their papers written up and partially ready for submission. Follow up will be made in 3 weeks time to ensure papers are sent to the respective editors following this workshop. The workshop had been very useful to prepare the participants and writing up a better scientific paper, therefore increasing the likelihood of acceptance. This is in line with the University’s aim to increase the number of publications by academicians in ISI journals.

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