The 5th South East Asian Nutrition Leadership Program (SEA-NLP) was held in Jakarta from 27 to 31 August 2007. The SEA-NLP was jointly organised by SEAMEO-TROPMED and the University of Indonesia. It was attended by 24 participants from 10 countries of the South-East Asia region. The participants were mostly nutritionists, public health specialists and biochemists. Dr Moy Foong Ming repersented the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya at the training.
The main objective of the SEA-NLP is to empower nutritionists with post graduate level working in government bodies, research institutes, academia and other institutions having nutrition program by providing competencies in effective leadership including team building and communication skills. The SEA-NLP is also aimed to provide forum for networking for nutritionists in the region.
The program emphasised leadership, teamwork, communication and networking among participants. The highlight of the program was the ice-breaking activities that took the participants to the Hotel Lido Lakes at Bogor. The participants were involved in team-building activities as well as other challenging activities such as flying fox, making a raft from tubes and bamboos and rowing to safety. The program was effective in achieving its objectives.

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