List of Masters Dissertation and Research Topics

Master Dissertation

MPH Research Topics

Research TitleMPH (Year)
A Cross-Sectional Study of Health Literacy, Overweight and Obesity Among 17 Years Old Adolescents in Malaysia: Evidence from Malaysian Health and Adolescents Longitudinal Research Team Study (MyHearts) 2016 2017
A Cross-sectional Study of Heights and Weights of Primary School Children in Besut, Trengganu 1974
A Descriptive Study of Behavioural Causes of Road Traffic Accidents in Malaysia 2003
A Descriptive Study of Perinatal Mortality in Padang Terap District, Kedah 1998-1992 1993
A Descriptive Study on Breastfeeding Practices in Rural Area in Northern Perak 1992
A Descriptive Study on Some of the Factors in the Development of Moderate to Severe Jaundice Anong Neonates Admitted to the District Hospital at Sik, Kedah between 1 Jan 1994 to 30 Jun 1994 1994
A K.A.P. Study of Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases and Worm Infestations Among the Melanaus and the lbans of the Sixth Division of Sarawa 1980
A KAP Study in Safety at Work Among Electronic Factor Workers in Petaling Jaya 1995
A KAP Study of Family Planning Among Public Health Nurses in Selangor 1995
A KAP Study of Family Planning of Currently Married Women Aged 14-49 years attending or Accompanying Patients at Female Outpatient Clinic in General Hospital Kuala Lumpur 1993