Master Dissertation
MPH Research Topics
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Research Title | MPH (Year) |
A study into the Utilization Pattern of Domiciliary Midwifery Services in the Selected Districts in the State of Trengganu | 1982 |
A Study ion Factors Affecting the Ultilization of the Pap Smear Screening Services Among Malay Women Attending the Family Planning Clinic at Sub-Health Centre in FELDA Jelai, Negeri Sembilan for the period 1990-1991 | 1992 |
A Study of 132 Amputees in the Malaysian Armed Forces and their Rehabilitation | 1980 |
A Study of a Sample of Low Birthweight Babies and the Factors Which May Affect the Weight of These Babies | 1986 |
A study of Abdominal Obesity among Coronary Heart Disease patients in University Hospital | 2001 |
A Study of Acute Respiratory infections in Children Attending the Maternal and Child Health Clinic, Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur | 1987 |
A study of Admissions by the Accident and Emergency Unit and some of its Related Services%I University of Malaya | 1983 |
A Study of Adult Customer Satisfactions at the Outpatient Department, Hospital Kangar, Perlis | 1993 |
A Study of Adult Patient Satisfaction at Surgery Outpatient Department, Ibrahim Malik General Hospital (IMGH) Khartoum, Sudan | 2003 |
A Study of AGE among 0-6 years old children, Tumpat Kelantan | 1995 |