Mas Ayu Said

Dr Mas Ayu (MBBS, MPH, PhD) is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. She is also a consultant epidemiologist at the University Malaya Medical Centre. She graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Malaya in1995. She obtained her Master’s degree in Public Health with distinction, followed by a PhD in psychiatric epidemiology awarded at the University of Malaya.

Her research interest focuses on mental health and psychopharmacology, especially the side effect of metabolic syndrome due to the treatment of schizophrenia. Her recent projects are on alcohol use and quantifying the ethanol level of home-made beverages. Her other related projects are on psychosocial correlates among ethnics and the effects of binge drinking among pregnant women in Sabah, through collaboration with University Malaya Centre of Addiction Sciences.

Dr Mas Ayu also has research interest on communicable diseases mainly focusing on vector-borne diseases like Chikungunya and Dengue Fever. She has research collaboration through Malaysia-Sweden Research Link with Umea University, working on the early warning system of dengue outbreak. She also engaging in policy and health promotion activities, by conducting public perception and attitude towards dengue prevention activity and response to dengue early warning in Malaysia