List of MPH Research Topics

Research TitleMPH (Year)
Prevalence of Schistosomiasis in Primary School Children in Rural Areas of North Khartoum, Sudan 2003
Prevalence of Self-Reported Musculoskeletal Pain Among Food Delivery Workers and Its Associated Factors 2020
Prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases among women attending antenatal clinics, Khartoum State, Sudan 2002
Prevalence of Sleep Disturbance among Nurses Who Work on Shift Duty and Non Shift in Hospital Melaka: A Questionnaire Survey. 2004
Prevalence of stress and coping strategies among medical students in University of Malaya 2017
Prevalence of Thalassemia Screening Refusal and Its Associated Factors Among Adolescent in Melaka - A Cross Sectional Study 2020
Prevalence, Attitudes, and Patterns of Parental Practice on Self-Medication for their Children in Perlis 2019
Privitisation in Health 2000
Prospective Study of a Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test and the Risk of Getting Malaria after a Negative Diagnostic among Children in Sierra Leone . 2004
Psychological Distress in Health Care Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross Sectional Study in Melaka 2020