List of MPH Research Topics

Research TitleMPH (Year)
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diarrhoea in Children under five years in Mayo Displaced Camp in Khartoum State . 2004
Prevalence and Risk Factors of HIV/AIDS among Drug Users in Eltigany Elmahi Hospital Omdurman Locality 2005-2006. 2004
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Psychological Distress Among Older People Seeking Health Care at Hospital in Dhaka City 2017
Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Infections among Breast fed and Non-breast fed infants who attended the Maternal and Child Health Clinic at Klinik Kesihatan Selayang Baru, Selangor 2002
Prevalence of anemia and thalassemia traits and its sociodemographic distributions among adolescents in Melaka 2017
Prevalence of Cataract and Factors Associated with Cataract Surgery Uptake Among Older Persons in Malaysia: A Cross-Sectional Study from the National Eye Survey II 2020
Prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function impairments among cement factory workers in Langkawi , Malaysia 2002
Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking, Age at Initiation and Pattern of Smoking Among Secondary School Students in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur 2003
Prevalence of Depression and Its Associated Factors Among Malaysian Armed forces Personnel
Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and their Association with Academic Stress Among Secondary School-Going Adolescents in Dhaka, Bangladesh 2017