This workshop is intended for students and clinicians who have no (or very little) experience in prognostic research. In this workshop, the basic concepts of prognostic research, study design, methodological issues and data analysis will be discussed. The workshop will be interactive and comprise largely a hands-on approach in formulating research questions, appraising prognostic studies, and conducting a basic statistical analysis.
Associate Prof Dr Nirmala Bhoo Pathy
Dr Nirmala is an Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya and also serve as a research consultant to clinical professionals. She also conducts research workshops in the Ministry of Health Malaysia and undertakes part-time teaching in Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom.
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki is a senior lecturer in Epidemiology in the Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya. She received training in Evidence-Based Medicine from the University of Oxford and formal exposure in Clinical Epidemiology from the University Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherland.
UM Student: RM240
UM Staff: RM350
Others: RM500
For further information, please contact us:
Ms Devi Peramalah / Ms Ekin
Tel : +60379673797 Fax : +60379674975
For further information, kindly email us at jcum@ummc.edu.my
Julius Centre University of Malaya (JCUM)
Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, Malaysia.
The Julius Centre University of Malaya (JCUM) was established in 2008. Using advanced epidemiological methods and health data analytics, JCUM aims to be a regional referral centre for learning and research in the areas of epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, and biostatistics. The head of this centre is Assoc Prof Dr Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi