Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health Problems in Youth Symposium


26 Jun 2019    
08:00 - 17:00


TJ Danaraj Auditorium
TJ Danaraj Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 50603

Event Type

The Center for Population Health (CePH) is pleased to announce that on the 26th of June, 2019 at TJ Danaraj, Faculty of Medicine will host the “Symposium on Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health Problems in Youth” together with the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Kuala Lumpur. The symposium will be officiating by the YB Michelle Ng Mei Sze and it is objectively to gather stakeholders who are active in the domain of mental health. The individual presentations on mental health issues and intervention will be followed by a forum of our representatives from University of Malaya and our collaborators from Ministry of Health and Mental Illness Awareness and Support Association (MIASA). Finally, training on managing the mental health problems that will be conducted by the Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA) is aim to enhance the participants’ skills and knowledge on promoting mental health wellbeing for youth.

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