Evidence-Based Week

Evidence-Based Week


11 Jul 2023 - 14 Jul 2023    
All Day


Event Type

The Research Training Unit (RTU) and Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice (CEBP), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya will be holding the EVIDENCE-BASED WEEK on the 11th to 14th July 2023!

This is the week when various workshops on systematic reviews, R, Stata and Network Meta-Analysis (NMA) are conducted.

The list of the workshops is as follows:

Therefore, we are inviting all of you to join the workshops to elevate your research. Sign up for the workshop/s by filling in the registration form below.

Registration form link or scan the QR code:

For any inquiries on the workshops, please call 03 7967 7515 (Zamrie) or email us at rotraining@um.edu.my