The 17th World Congress on Public Health with the theme “A World in Turmoil: Oppurtunites to Focus on the Public’s Health”, which was held from the 2-6 May 2023 in Rome, Italy. The APACPH delegates included President Prof Dr Agustin Kusumayati, President-Elect Prof Dr So Yoon Kim, Secretary-General Prof Dr Indika Karunathilake, Vice-President 2 Professor Dr Victor Hoe and Regional Director of The Americas Regional Office Assoc Prof Dr Elahe Nezami. During this conference, the President chaired of the Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH) Symposium, the Secretary-General was able to highlight APACPH competency framework and establish strong collaborations and partnerships with global organizations and leaders in public health, and the Vice-President 2 presented the paper on “Capacity building and professionalization of the public health workforce: The Asia-Pacific Academic for Public Health Experience”. The paper highlights the work done by APACPH, which includes APACPH Yonsei University – International Cyber University of Health, APACPH Early Career Network, the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, Learning@APACH and the APACPH annual conferences.

The APACPH delegates also participate in the Launch of the GNAPH. The GNAPH is a consortium of an alliance of seven regional associations that represent schools and programs of public health worldwide.

The members of GNAPH are:
- Alianza Latinoamericana de Salud Global (ALASAG)
- Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH)
- Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa (ASPHA)
- Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)
- Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia (CAPHIA)
- South East Asia Public Health Education Institutions Network (SEAPHEIN)
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