The ‘Environmental Health’ module (MQB7034) in the Master of Public Health (MPH) programme has given group assignments for the webinar session to be held online on January 10, 2023. Group 3 was given an assignment titled ‘Climate Change Impact on Indoor Air Quality‘. In preparation for this webinar, we agreed to learn the basics of
conducting IAQ and creating a recording of the IAQ process to share with all class members during the webinar.
Members from Group 3 are delighted to have organized a sharing session with the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) Unit on December 16 2022, with the full support of the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, on the topic of Basics of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring.
A total of 63 participants attended the event. The program began at 9:30 a.m. with a welcome greeting from a member of the Secretariat, Dr Siti Zuhairah. This was followed by a presentation by Ms Malini, an engineer in the OSHE department who has been working there for 4 years. Her presentation included an introduction to IAQ, the source of IAQ problems, the health impacts of poor IAQ, IAQ standards in Malaysia, and IAQ assessment/monitoring. Her presentation ended around 10:40 a.m. which was followed by a Q&A session that was well received by the participants.
We would like to thank everyone, including Dr Lim YC (Head of OSHE), Prof. Victor Hoe (HOD SPM), Prof Nasrin (Course Coordinator) and all our group mates and colleagues. All of them had worked so hard and diligently to make this event a success.

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