The APACPH General Assembly was held on 26 October 2021 in conjunction with the 52nd APACPH Conference which will be held on the 27 and 28 October 2021 as a hybrid conference due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The APACPH General Assembly 2021 was also not able to be held as a face-to-face meeting and was held online through the Zoom Conference application.
The APACPH 2021 election results were announced by Dr Surenthirakumaran Rajendira from the University of Jaffna as the Election Officer for the four positions the President-Elect, General Secretary, Vice President 1 and Vice President 2 which was up for election.
Prof Dr Indika Karunathilake from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka was elected as the General Secretary for APACPH and Professor Dr Victor Hoe from the University of Malaya as the Vice President 2. The Department would like to congratulate Prof Dr Victor Hoe on the success of the election. The other representative from University Malaya, Professor Dr Maznah Dahlui continue to be the Vice-President of Administration and Professor Dr Low Wah Yun handed the presidency to Prof Dr Agustin Kusumayati from Universitas Indonesia.
The Faculty of Medicine, the University of Malaya particularly the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine has been one of the lead institutional members of APCPH since the start of the consortium. The APACPH Secretariat has been located in the Department for the last several years.
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