The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us for the past 20 months. It has affected many countries around the world. Each country has managed the situation differently and has shown different levels of success. Learning from the success and failures of one another will be able to help us to develop a more robust response to the current and future pandemic.
The Cheng Guan Medical Foundation (CGMF) in Taiwan and the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Malaya in Malaysia organised a join webinar on 24 August 2021 to share the experience of each country. The webinar was organised using the Zoom Meeting platform and stream live through YouTube.

Prof JacobSee TongPang from CGMF and Dr Tharani Loganathan from UM delivered the welcome remarks and co-chaired the session. There were four speakers, two each from Taiwan and Malaysia. Prof Shu-Min Lin from CGMH and Prof Datuk Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud talk on the topic “COVID-19 pandemic: current situation and management in Taiwan and Malaysia”. While Prof Cheng-Hsun Chiu and Professor Victor Hoe spoke on “Challenges of healthcare services during COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan and Malaysia”.
The talk was followed by the questions and answer session.
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