Sila mematuhi SOP di Bazar Ramadan

Dalam satu temu bual dengan Berita Perdana RTM, Professor Dr Victor Hoe berbincang mengenai SOP di Bazar Ramadan.

Highlights of the Interview

In an interview with Berita Perdana RTM, Professor Dr. Victor Hoe from the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Malaya discussed the importance of adhering to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) at Bazar Ramadan. The article, published on April 16, 2021, emphasizes the critical role of SOP compliance in preventing the spread of COVID-19 during the festive season. Here are the key points from the discussion:

Key Points from the Article

  1. Importance of SOP Compliance:
    • Preventing Transmission: Dr. Victor Hoe highlighted that strict adherence to SOPs is essential to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 at Bazar Ramadan, where large crowds gather to buy food and other items for breaking fast.
    • Public Responsibility: He stressed that it is the responsibility of both vendors and visitors to follow the guidelines to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
  2. Key SOPs to Follow:
    • Mask-Wearing: All individuals at the bazar must wear masks at all times to reduce the risk of airborne transmission.
    • Physical Distancing: Maintaining a safe distance of at least one meter from others is crucial to minimize close contact and potential spread of the virus.
    • Hand Hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water or using hand sanitizer is important to eliminate any virus particles that may be on the hands.
  3. Vendor Responsibilities:
    • Stall Arrangement: Vendors should arrange their stalls in a manner that allows for physical distancing between customers. This includes spacing out stalls and managing queues effectively.
    • Sanitization: Regular sanitization of high-touch surfaces, such as countertops and payment terminals, is necessary to maintain hygiene standards.
    • Health Monitoring: Vendors should monitor their health and refrain from participating in the bazar if they exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms.
  4. Enforcement and Monitoring:
    • Authorities’ Role: Local authorities and enforcement agencies play a critical role in ensuring compliance with SOPs. This includes conducting regular checks and taking action against those who violate the guidelines.
    • Community Involvement: Dr. Hoe encouraged community members to be vigilant and report any non-compliance to the authorities to help maintain a safe environment.
  5. Public Awareness:
    • Education Campaigns: Continuous public education campaigns are necessary to remind people of the importance of SOP compliance. Clear and consistent messaging from health authorities can help reinforce the guidelines.
    • Media Role: The media can play a significant role in disseminating information and raising awareness about the need to follow SOPs at Bazar Ramadan.


The interview with Professor Dr. Victor Hoe underscores the importance of adhering to SOPs at Bazar Ramadan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Key measures such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene are essential to ensure a safe environment for both vendors and visitors. The responsibility lies with everyone, including the public, vendors, and authorities, to comply with and enforce these guidelines. Continuous public education and awareness campaigns are crucial in promoting SOP compliance and protecting public health during the festive season.

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