The Malaysian Society of Occupational Safety and Health (MSOSH) organised the webinar on “Global Occupational Health and Medicine – Occupational Lung Disease” on Saturday, 3 October 2020. Professor Dr Victor Hoe was invited as the Chair of the webinar. The speaker for the webinar was Dr Zlate Mehmedovic who is an Occupational Physician who is currently completing his sub-speciality in Occupational Pulmonology at the Medical Faculty of St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje in the Republic of North Macedonia. Dr Zlate Mehmedovic is also the Counsellor for specialist consultative service at PHI Health Home Skopje and President of Macedonian association for occupational medicine.
Dr Zlate presented the paper on Occupational Lung Disease. He presented the types of occupational lung disease, dianosis criteria and issues he has experience while practicing as an occupational phycian.
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