We are pleased to share that Dr Nur Sakinah Ahmad has successfully completed her Doctorate of Public Health viva voce on the 11th November 2019. She was supervised by Professor Dr Noran N Hairi, Associate Professor Dr Mas Ayu Said and Professor Dr Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman. Her doctorate thesis was on Physical Frailty and its transitions among rural community dwelling older adults. Findings from her study have shown that 1 in 10 rural older adults were frail. This prevalence increased three-fold with every 10 years of age. During 12-months follow-up, 1 in 5 individuals experienced frailty transition. Transition towards greater or worsening frailty states were more likely (22.9%) than those toward lesser frailty states (19.9%) while majority (57.2%) remained unchanged. The dynamic nature of frailty status with its potential reversibility creates an opportunity to delay further progression. The result was published in PLOS One – Prevalence, transitions and factors predicting transition between frailty states among rural community-dwelling older adults in Malaysia
Our heartiest congratulations!
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