His journey started in 2011 when Dr Awais Farid applied for the Master of Public Health programme in the University of Malaya. His application was rejected as he did not have the relevant public health experience. At that time Dr Awais just completed his housemanship in Pakistan. The Department connected him with Dr Haris Ahmed, one of our MPH Alumni to advice him on how to get relevant experience. After one year, Dr Awais applied again and was accepted for the MPH programme. He completed his MPH in 2013 and subsequently when to work with the Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia.
After one year he was not satisfied with the work there and decided to apply for a Doctor of Philosophy program. He was accepted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2015 and was supervised by Prof. Yeung King Lun and Prof Joseph Kwan. The topic of his thesis is “Safe Antimicrobial Systems for Infection Control in Healthcare Settings”. The research consists of developing an antimicrobial system and conducting clinical trials.
The viva defence was conducted on the 16 August 2019 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Prof Victor Hoe from the Department was invited as one of the external examiners. The board of examiners consisted of Prof David Lam the Chairperson, and three other internal examiners, Prof Jimmy Fung, Prof Samuel Yu and Prof Naubahar Sharif, along with the two supervisors.

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