Visitors from Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

On the 15 August 2018, the Department was fortunate to receive visitors from the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Yeoh Eng Kiong the Director of the School and Head of the Division of Health System, Policy and Management, together with Professor Chi Tim Hung a Professor of Practice in Health Service Management and Terence Lau a consultant paid a courtesy visit to the Department. Professor Sanjay Rampal the Head of Department, Prof Victor Hoe the Head of Academic and International Division and Associate Professor Ng Chiu Wan the Head of the Doctor of Public Health programme were there to receive the visitors. The discussion focused on the possibility of collaboration between the School and the Department on research and education purposes. Since Prof Yeoh, Prof Chi and Associate Prof Ng were Health Policy specialists, the discussion was focused on health policy issue in Hong Kong, Malaysia and around the East Asia regions.

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