On the 10th of May 2012, the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit and about 17 of MPH Year 1 students of the Medical Surveillance and Fitness for Work course had successfully gone for a learning visit at the Pusat Penyelidikan dan Latihan Stimulator G (PULLS-G) located in Shah Alam and also at the Institute of Aviation Medicine, Sungai Besi under the Malaysian Royal Air Force (Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia, TUDM).
The objective of this learning visit is to expose to the students about the usage of the medical surveillance equipments such as audiometer, spirometer, neurobehavioral test and others in the Malaysian Airforce settings.
They arrived at the PULLS-G at 9 am and Dr Azlan Darus started the program by giving a lecture on Audiogram for about one hour. PULLS-G is a place where the entire combat pilot is trained on the gravity effect and the right ways to deals with it using the Anti G Straining Manoeuvre AGSM. This centre also equipped with the stimulator training such as General Aviation Trainer II equipment and the Tactical Flight Simulation, Air Combat Manoeuvre (ACM) simulator.
While at the Institute of Aviation Medicine, Sungai Besi, we visited the pilot clinic for their medical checkup and also the training site of the decompression chamber and the ejection seat.

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