The Short Course on Health Education and Health Promotion was held on the 11-14 April 2005. It was organised by the Medical Statistics Unit, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. The course was held in the Department.
The success of health education and health promotion programmes in government and non-government organizations depends upon getting important messages across and bringing about environmental and behavioural change.
The course provided participants with the principles and methods of health education, message design, communication and behavior change. The course emphasized the integrated application of the latest evidence-based theories and principles from the behavioural, educational, social, epidemiological and management sciences in planning implementing, and evaluating, health education and health promotion programmes.
This course has been run yearly in the National University of Singapore for their Master of Public Health students as well as the above mentioned health professionals and has received excellent feed-back.
The course was taught by Assoc. Professor Dr Wong Mee Lian (MBBS, MPH, FAMS, MD), experienced academic staff of the Department of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She has extensive teaching, research and field experience in health education and health promotion particularly in the field of prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections. She has also served as a consultant in various health promotion & intervention programmes both internationally and locally
Course Content : | Course topics are taught through lectures, case studies and group exercises. |
11 April 2005 | MONDAY |
9.00 – 12.00 noon | Concepts of health education & health promotion |
12 April 2005 | TUESDAY |
9.00 – 12.00 noon | Health communication |
13 April 2005 | WEDNESDAY |
9.00 – 12.00 noon | Behaviour change I – Individual-level models |
14 April 2005 | THURSDAY |
9.00 – 12.00 noon | Behaviour change II – Community level models |
2.00 – 5.00 pm | Planning health education / promotion programmes |

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