The Third Regional Seminar on Education and Training: Teaching of Preventive Medicine in Medical Schools was convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila, Philippines, from 13 to 19 October 1970.
The WHO publication report on the outcome of the seminar. The seminar’s objectives were:
- To review the position and coverage of social and preventive medicine in the medical curriculum in medical schools in the Region in the light of present day health needs;
- To exchange information on the nature, extent and possible means of solving problems encountered by medical schools in the development of appropriate teaching programmes in social and preventive medicine;
- To review various teaching methods including field training, employed in the teaching of social and preventive medicine in medical schools, as well as effectiveness of the teaching programmes; and
- To consider the relationship of a Department of Preventive Medicine to other departments in the medical school, other university departments, health departments and community health activities.
Author: Dr Basil S Hetzel, Dr KP Chen, Dr Francis A de Hamel, Dr Winifred Danaraj, Dr Presentacion Peralta, Dr Munehiro Hirayama, Dr RFR Scragg, Dr WK Ng, Dr Doglas Gordon
Retail Price:
Softcover: 103 pages (1970)
Publisher: WHO
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