The aim of this book, Statistical Analysis Using SPSS, is to provide the best possible introduction to statistics for undergraduate and postgraduate students who have little or no background in statistics
The main strength of this book is in the simple and clear writing style and the well organised charts and tables. The content of this book reflects the important features of an introductory course in statistics. This book forms a self-explanatory guide to statistical analysis without compromising on the basic theory that is needed at this level.
Statistical Analysis Using SPSS differs from other traditional books in some important ways. Traditional statistics books emphasize a great deal on theory, formula and calculation, making it difficult to read and follow, especially for students lacking a good foundation in mathematics. On the other hand, books are written as guidebooks to statistical analysis using software packages often lack explanation on the concepts leading to difficulty in interpreting meaningful results
In this book, we have chosen the middle path: an explanation of the basic theoretical concepts and application of the procedures using SPSS software. We believe that the key to understanding statistics is to understand how and why a statistical test was developed, what this test set out to do, and how to do it. In every chapter, due attention is given to writing the objectives of the study, organising the data for the specific data analysis, performing the analysis in SPSS, interpreting the output tables and charts and the writing of simple and precise reports based on the evidence gathered from the analysis. The major assumptions for each test and the way to test the assumptions are clearly stated. In every chapter, many examples are used to demonstrate the variety of problems students may encounter in data analysis
Each chapter ends with practice questions for the students to try out and a summary of key points featured in the chapter.
Author: Karuthan Chinna, Krishnakumari Karuthan, Choo Wan Yuen
Retail Price: RM 25.00
Softcover: 184 pages (2012)
Publisher: Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd
ISBN 978-967-349-218-3
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