Bastaman Basuk

Professor Bastaman Basuki (MD, MPH) is a Professor from the Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Professor Bastaman experience includes being a facilitator and organizing committee for the Advanced international Seminar on Hopsital and Industry Preparedness Toward Disasters. University of Indoneisa – National School of Health (Madrid-Spain). Jakarta, is a visiting profesor. to the Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, an external examiner for Master Degree on Community Health. Departement of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, the Faculty (Chairman) of Training on writing manuscripts submitted to international biomedical journals, Ministry of Health Indonesia, an external examiner for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Science) of Jadavfur University, Calcutta. India and Faculty member. of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia International program.

Professor Bastaman has received several research grants, his current research is on “Several quality contributing factors related to maternal health care services at referral hospitals in Jakarta and Tangerang” by World Health Organization, Jakarta.

Prof Bastaman has published extensively, his three recent articles are,

  1. Hanum K, Haksono H, Basuki B. Duration of works, flight hours, and blood pressure related to noise-induced hearing loss among Indonesian Air Force helicopter pilots. Med J Indones. 2006; 15:185-90.
  2. Krisnawati F, Basuki B, Nainggolan G. Job stressors and other risk factors related to the risk of hypertension among selected employees in Jakarta. Med J Indones. 2006; 15:177-84.
  3. Priadarsini T, Basuki B, Jannis J. Gerakan tangan berulang dorsoanteroflexi, lama kerja dan riwayat pekerjaan memepertinggi risiko risiko tenosinovitis pergelangan tangan pekerja perempuan. Maj Ked Indones. 2004;54:

Visits to the Department

July 2008Invited speaker in the seminar on “EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT DISASTER MANAGEMENT
April 2008External examiner for the Master of Public Health and Master of Medical Science (Public Health) examination