The Strengthening of the Community Health Renewal Movement and Primary Health Care in the Underserved Areas of Malaysia

The report “The Strengthening of the Community Health Renewal Movement and Primary Health Care in the Underserved Areas of Malaysia” was written by Professor Paul C. Y. Chen for the United Nations Children’s Fund, East Asia & Pakistan Regional Office in May 1980. The report looks at issues in Peninsular Malaysia, and Sabah and Sarawak. In the Peninsular of Malaysia, the underserved areas can be divided into three groups, Category “A”, where the problem is “negligible” as in Perlis, Penang, Melaka and Selangor; Category “B”, where the problem is “moderate” as in Johor, Kedah, Perak and Negri Sembilan (with 5-14% of the people underserved); Category “C”, where the problem is “moderately severe” as in Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu (with 15-20% underserved). The magnitude of the problem is much greater with 41.2% and 68.1% of the people living in the underserved areas in Sabah and Sarawak respectively. Many underserved areas are far from currently served areas and face major problems in communications and transportation.

Author: Paul C Y Chen

Publisher: United NationsChildren’s Fund, East Asia & Pakistan Regional Office, 11 PHRA ATIT ROAD, BANGKOK, THAILAND

Date of Publication: May 1980